- 答:浅析凡客诚品非常规营销组合策略
Brief Introdution for Unconventional Strategy of Marketing Mix as for VANCL
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LBO: leveraged buyout 杠杆段芹买断交坦御易
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- 答:Analysing Linguistic features and translation skills of business English contract
望漏陆凳返旅悉陵采纳 - 答:Analysis on the language features and translation techniques of business English contract
- 答:A simple analysis of the language style of English business contracts and translation techniques
- 答:A Brief Analysis on the Language Characteristics and Translation Skills of mercial English Contract
- 答:Language characteristics of English business contracts and translation skills
本文来源: https://www.lw81.cn/article/36f4b8f2c759359367bc97df.html